How Your Business Can Use AI like Madden NFL
John Madden will be missed but his genius within the video game space may very well live on as inspiration for business applications.
With the recent passing of John Madden, legendary football coach, broadcaster, and popular video game creator, I happened to be reading about the new enhancements to the Madden NFL football game being introduced for 2022.
Over the years, I've played this game with my sons, so I understand basically how it works. However, in reading this new article, I discovered the game is using a lot of the emerging technologies that we're hearing about today, and I thought a number of these were very “transportable” to basic business applications.
In this article, I hope to describe the operation of that game in a way that shows how these new technologies work, and more importantly, how these very same technologies could power innovation in your company or business.
For this article, I want to focus on three technologies that are used extensively in the game, that is:
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Machine Learning (ML)
Digital Twins (DT)
Part 1: Explaining AI/ML/DT
I know it is a challenging task (by focusing on three technologies at once), but I am going to take on the challenge anyway…
Now let us start out by recognizing an obvious first problem…
When someone says something like “AI/ML/DTs”, people tend to glaze over…this is a common reaction…you can see it in their eyes…“I’ve heard these terms before, but I don’t know what they mean, or how they work”
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence or AI is basically the process whereby a computer can execute a programmed set of prompts, processes and activities, within very defined rules and protocols, to accurately mimic human behaviors.
AI as a concept has been around since the 1950s; however, in the last 5-10 years has greatly accelerated due to epic advances in computing power, bandwidth and cloud storage.
As a simple example, AI allows Siri to recognize (and process) your voice commands…Which allows you to execute digital commands and processes to your devices…with no other human intervention!
AI programming allows me to order goods online….. by allowing me to review content, select items, pay for items, and facilitate the shipment of items to my home…you know that these commands are very tightly programmed and scripted… As you have no doubt learned…Just try to skip any of the digital requests presented to you when ordering online!
Most simply stated, AI is designed to process your commands in an orderly and efficient manner, all based on your human input… by voice or key stroke.
Machine Learning
Machine Learning (or ML) represents an advanced functionality of AI which essentially has the computer application monitor users’ digital actions and behaviors…over time…to recognize and record common behaviors and repeated patterns…this monitoring automatically creates an advanced profile of the user …which in turn allows AI to be more responsive to user preferences, and even suggest additional items of interest.
I have a few stories to illustrate this phenomenon…
A Story: My wife and I have a daily habit of going to Starbucks between 8 and 9 am; after a while, my car notices this… When I start the car, my car and phone (Google Maps) take notice…my phone then sends me an “instant message” telling me it is 14 minutes to Starbucks, and traffic is light! How does it know I am going to Starbucks???
Somehow, in some way, my phone and my car were noticing my familiar daily travel patterns, captured those patterns, and then, using AI, and referencing GPS and traffic status, sends me a message about traffic!…that is AI/ML in action! My technology used my patterns to help me!
Another Story: During the pandemic, I, like many of you, began ordering groceries for pick up at my local Walmart… You know, the bulky things like bottled water, paper towels, sodas, detergents, soaps, butter, sour cream, muffins, etc.. You get it…the things we consume each week!
This new online application makes it so easy for me to re-order…by keeping my regular items in a list and allowing me to just check the quantities needed each week…Now, that is convenient and easy…And…by having an electronic record of my buying history…they know my patterns…and they now have me hooked (as a Customer) on the convenience and their low prices.
And…the rest of the Story: From time to time, Walmart adds “free products” to my weekly order to encourage me to try new things…In one instance, they added a low-cal/high protein breakfast biscuit…Turns out, I love the product!...Now, it has been added to my weekly re-orders!
How did this happen? I am not sure, but they did have all my buying patterns over a 6-month period during the pandemic!…
Was this a deliberate “add-on” based on my habits?
Or, did they also notice the Starbucks habit at 8 am (that I just discussed), and think this might be a great snack to have with my Starbucks?
Maybe… but that is now getting into conspiracy theory territory, so I will stop…
But you can see how these patterns work… When companies know more about you, and your patterns…they can not only serve you (in the cadence of your life), but they can suggest new things that you might like. They have you captured…you trust them…and you begin to have a continuing and trusting relationship with that company.
In summary, this is Machine Learning. We will talk more about how Machine Learning actually works when we talk about Madden NFL
Digital Twins
Finally, Digital Twins is a fancy term for the complete digital replication of the physical world of processes and activities…. DTs create “digital simulations” that enhance decision making, performance, and in the case of video games, enjoyment, and success in winning!
For example, a Digital Twin replication of a factory floor can create an accurate replication of all the physical activities conducted on the floor…This includes the complete end-to-end manufacturing process, the interfaces with other processes such as purchasing, the time-sequencing of activities, the performances of workers and machines, and the ability to introduce alternative scenarios and outcomes…
Most simply stated, Digital Twins create a digital replica of a physical world, across time and space.
Again, we will describe how this works when we talk about Madden NFL
Part 2: How Madden NFL Can Inspire Business Applications
What did I see in Madden NFL that inspired me to think of business applications?
Video games are great examples of AI/ML/Digital Twin simulations in action.. and Madden NFL is one of the most powerful and successful examples of these three technologies…. And we are not even talking about the cool video graphics of the game! …(The visual depiction of the game could be the subject of an entirely different article)
Here is my premise: If you can understand how the video game works …how it is programmed…I believe you can better understand how AI/ML/Digital Twins work
Remember, I said AI/ML/Digital Twins must be applied in a very defined process and rules-based environment…
Madden NFL is very defined by the rules of Football…100 yard field, four downs to gain 10 yards…to get a First down, a 60 minute clock that limits the time of play, 11 players on each side, each with a defined set of rules of play, etc. The programming is defined within the borders of these rules, player roles and historical performance stats, time dimensions, and scoring.
When talking about players stats, the game includes each NFL player’s recent performance stats (Running backs: Average yards gained and running speed); (Receivers: catches/attempts, yards gained per catch, yards gained after catch); (Quarterbacks: Average completion yardage, Accuracy, Overall Quarterback rating, etc.)
So, for example, when you are playing that Madden game, and you push the “Faster” toggle forward to make your running back run as fast as possible, he will be moving in the game board at his recent stat speed, in relationship to other players on the board…Also, individual players will exhibit their unique athletic skills in running, making catches, tackling, and defending the pass. That is all programmed into the game
Then, with the “if/then” rules factored in…the AI programming “plays out” the success of each play, together with the actions of the video game player.
So, by definition, nothing is left to chance… Your players are totally programmed to operate within their historical performance stats
However, here is where it gets interesting…The video game players make multiple defined decisions both: a) before each play (e.g. selecting run, pass, punt, kick and a specific play programmed for specific players), and b) for a few seconds (maybe 3-4) make split-second actions during the play (the direction of run; the decision of when and where to pass the ball)
The proceedings of the games are then collectively made by these decisions, together with the programmed skills and actions of each player on the field…
So, over the prescribed time of the game, the video game player makes play selections and in-play moves. When time expires… you know who won!
Each year the Madden NFL game is updated for the actual game stats of all the players for each team.. It collects both their skill improvements , and in some cases, their diminishment of skills...
This learning of player behaviors over time is where the concept of “Machine Learning” comes in ... meaning that the If/then rules are updated to reflect changed NFL player skills and talents….. Often stated in “percentages of success” being applied real time as a play is executed. For example, if a player averages 4 yards a carry over last year, and now averages 7 yards a carry, this stat is factored into the rules so the simulation will now allow that player to now gain 7 yards when his play is called…..It’s a little more complicated than that, based on the % likelihood of the play overall…but you get the idea.
I am only touching the surface of how the game works… Look at the article (attached to this article) to learn how this works in greater detail, plus how the introduction of detailed real life game statistics for each player makes the game even more realistic in calibrating players different skillsets, for each of the 32 teams in the NFL.
Finally, in a brand-new enhancement planned for the game in 2022, Madden NFL can now prepare “scouting reports” on your family and friends!…that’s right!...your competitors… These reports (having captured the Machine Learning of the video game players) highlight their patterns of play and tendencies… much like how NFL teams study their next opponent!… All learned via Machine Learning about each player!
Again, if you want to learn much more about this game and the “How to” of AI for the game, see the attached article about Madden NFL 22 is being updated with actual statistics…. Provided by the NFL, which now owns the Madden NFL game!
Part 3: How can businesses apply this?
How can this Video Game example be applied to a business setting?
Much like Madden NFL creates a rich and realistic experience for all sports fans… in playing a simulated game of football, these three very same technologies can create comparable experiences in business
Now, if you refer to my article on the Simplicity of Business, I define business as “People in Relationships, performing Work (Processes), to create Value, gain Wisdom and reach Goals. With this definition, we can examine “where in business” we can find opportunities to apply these technologies…. that also power Madden NFL
In my overview of the Simplicity of Business, I define the 5 Key Relationships as: Customer, Employee, Supplier, Owner, and Community.
I will first focus on the relationship with Suppliers because it best embodies the application of all three technologies that exist in Madden NFL… AI/Machine Learning and Digital Twins…I will talk about several of the other relationships in other examples a little bit later
A: Suppliers (AI/ML/Digital Twins)-
So… let us look at Suppliers… This focus is particularly relevant today, given the serious supply chain challenges we have seen over the past 18 months!
First of all,… what if we treat each major Supplier like we do a Football Player in Madden NFL?
And what if we mimic the Suppliers actual historical performance in completing all the prescribed supply chain activities and processes outlined by the company… Contracting, Order processing, Manufacture, Shipping, Delivery, and Service Performance…Like the process of the NFL Players following the rules of the football game.
By digitally simulating the standard Supply Chain process, using actual data of current Supplier deliveries (e.g., that is, the speed at meeting key process checkpoints) , companies can run scenarios that play “what if“ games to replicate key supplier performance, or determine the benefit of using alternative suppliers, who might be able to perform better in selected circumstances.
By creating rich Digital Twin simulations of the company supply chain operation, using the actual stats of major suppliers, companies can better project and plan the impacts of supplier performance, disruptions in the supply chain, and better plan for growth and innovation
A Story- As a sidebar, key designers of video game technologies ( like NVIDIA) are now developing Digital Twin business applications for Supply Chain and other automated business processes. Similarly video game programmers are now being actively recruited to produce Supply Chain Digital Twin applications…
So, let’s recap… Standard Supply Chain processes can be treated like the rules of playing a video game of football… Suppliers, and their performance, can be treated like the performance of NFL athletes…And the execution of the supply chain process can be treated like playing a video football game.
B: Customers (AI/ML)
For the Customer relationship, I will be highlighting AI and ML lessons learned in Madden NFL
To develop true customer relationships, you need to first know your customer…. How many times have you heard that?
To better know your customer, you need to interact with them, in person or digitally, to better learn their preferences, patterns of buying behavior, and needs for product enhancement.
One way to get to know your customer is to allow them to engage with you in a self-service environment, (for both purchasing and ongoing service). In doing this, you can obtain their information, capture all their purchase activity, and track the frequency and nature of their contact with your company… all…to discern their patterns of behavior.
AI can help by automating routine processes of customer engagement, purchasing, contacts on service, and other buyer experiences. Customer engagement is a fairly routine, and structured process that is susceptible to “If/Then” AI programming…. Again, recount your own personal experiences of purchasing products online.
A Story- the Covid pandemic radically changed customer buying habits to the online buying transaction, whereby mountains of information were gathered and used to produce outstanding customer service, from previous customer transactions which had much less data/information sharing.
Personally, I like it that Walmart knows what I like to reorder frequently, and it makes it quite easy for me to continue to use online purchase/store pick up mode…which I will not change after the pandemic is over. Again, converting customer transactions to a convenient recurring customer relationship buying patterns is the goal
So, as a recap, where can you automate your customer engagement processes to allow your customer to have a “self-service experience” with your company? thereby saving time, improving speed, quality, and customer satisfaction?
C: Employee Relationships (AI and ML) -
As with Suppliers, if we can gain more insights on employees job performance, their work experiences and skills, their learning experiences, their business “topics of interest”, and their civic interests…we can use that information to serve their needs.
Similar to Suppliers, If we treat Employees like NFL Players in the Madden NFL game, we can gather and use employee data, and use AI and ML to:
Use knowledge of the Employee’s skills, project experiences, learning courses taken, and topics of interest to allow us to make better team assignments for important programs,
Match Employee “topics of interest”, and experiences, to other employees in the company to stimulate greater network collaboration and joint learning. This is especially important giving the increasing remote nature of employee’s work.
Draw upon common Community and Civic interests of Employees to better mobilize company-wide efforts to respond to the Community Stakeholder relationship.
If we treat the data of Employees, like Madden NFL players, we open many new opportunities to enhance all of the stakeholder relationships of your company
Part 4: Taking Advantage of these technologies
How do we begin the process of taking advantage of these technologies?
First, there are some common themes that appear among all the business examples of using AI/ML/Digital Twins.
Common Themes:
The focus is on the Key Relationships of the Company…. Suppliers, Customers, Employees, etc.
There is a deep need to obtain detailed information and data about the key relationship transaction patterns, behaviors, and preferences, and
There is a need to follow a very prescribed and standard process to make AI work… this requires a common and detailed understanding of the company processes. This process rigor is required to program the “If/Then” rules that define the company standard interactions.
So, if these are the common themes that define the requirements to apply the Madden NFL game, you need to brainstorm where an “enhanced” understanding of Customers, Suppliers, and Employee behavior can bring you disruptive innovation, and corresponding competitive advantage.
I think we can all agree that deeper understanding of the detailed behaviors of these stakeholders increases the chance for a deeper and more trusted relationship.
Some Diagnostic Questions to Ask yourself:
In closing, rather than becoming very prescriptive of the steps you need to take, I would ask you to consider three broad questions for each of these key stakeholder relationships?
a) How much do you really know about your Customers’ buying patterns and behaviors, your Suppliers performance, your Employees skills/experiences, topics of interest, and development needs?
b) How well defined, and understood, are your company’s standard processes that serve the needs of each of these key stakeholder groups? (Remember, common standard processes drive AI/ML/ and Digital Twin applications )
c) Where do you stand against your closest competitors in applying AI/ML/and Digital Twin technologies and practices… to achieve more enhanced and trusted relationships with Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Owners, and Community?
Hopefully, in asking yourself these questions, you will begin to seek ways to take advantage of these three emerging technologies.
I hope that you have found this article to be helpful…. And maybe a little bit entertaining?
Check out the resources referenced below for a deeper dive into the examples I have referenced…and the background on the Madden NFL game.
And finally, please give me feedback…we all have developed our own mental models, key principles and practices, and inspiring stories to share…so please, do share.
Resources for this Article:
How Madden NFL 2022 makes better use of NFL Next-Gen statistics
The Simplicity of Business Framework
(Link the Dots Presentation)Digitizing the Supply Chain- Henkel (Germany)
(Linking 33 factories into a single cloud-based digital ecosystem) (Entrepreneur- Nov 11 2021)